20 October 2021 · Driving Hints & Tips

Go beyond GPS fleet tracking with Hino-Connect

Go beyond GPS fleet tracking with Hino-Connect

Telematics technology has been around and utilised for a lot longer than you may think.

A crucial piece of technology for F1 and Rally teams and manufacturers since the 1980's, the information telematics provides has solved engineering problems and given greater insights into vehicle performance.

In the transport and logistics industry, telematics can track and monitor vehicle performance allowing for more streamlined fleet operations.

However, some telematics systems can offer beyond real time performance tracking, including the most recently launched Hino-Connect system found as standard on all new Hino 700 Series and from January 2022, can be found on the Hino 500 Series models.

The How

Telematics is all about gathering data to help drivers, and fleet managers, get the most out of their trucks. Hino-Connect is the only telematics system that combines key performance data tracking in real-time, along with remote diagnosis of vehicle faults and service support. In an Australian-first Hino-Connect will allow direct communication with the driver through the vehicle’s multimedia unit.

So, how can Hino-Connect benefit your business?

Driving Behaviour

Every driver is different. Telematics provides greater insights into how your trucks are being driven. The data pinpoints areas of concern that could result in frequent servicing or repairs.

Hino-Connect’s Driver Score Reporting functionality monitors things like harsh braking, acceleration, over revving, and speeding. This information lets you take measures to proactively address poor driving techniques, while reducing safety issues and increasing the life of your vehicles.

Vehicle Performance

For many operations, heavy reliance on drivers or technicians to mention or address issues is the norm. Unfortunately, this may be too late, resulting in extensive repairs. What if all that could be avoided, and warning signs picked up early?

Hino-Connect monitors for things like brake counts, gear change numbers, optimum RPM performance, and more. This information can help track and forecast fuel usage, and plan ahead for service and maintenance requirements. Ensuring your fleet is in top condition, while increasing the longevity of your vehicle, and keeping them on the road longer.

Route Planning

With Australian’s relying heavily on the transport and logistics industry to keep the country moving, route planning has become more essential than ever. Whether delivering everyday necessities to supermarkets, critical supplies to health care facilities, or online purchases, timing is everything.

Hino-Connect’s GPS functionality delivers detailed tracking and trip reports through the Asset Trail feature. Capturing the data from a single truck, or group of trucks for an entire day, this information enables you to identify inefficiencies in the routes taken by vehicles travelling/delivering to the same location. Helping provide your clients with accurate delivery times, and a new dimension of customer service they’ll appreciate.

Fleet Security

The protection and security of your assets is critical. Greater visibility around the location of your trucks (in real-time) is essential in identifying if anything is amiss and acting quickly.

The GeoFence feature in Hino-Connect provides full transparency around fleet movements. Not only increasing fleet safety, but better remote asset management in greater detail. Hino-Connect lets you create a ‘virtual’ fence through the Maps Area feature. You can define which vehicles the fence applies to, and if it remains constantly active or only on specific days and times. If the GeoFence is triggered on entry or exit, an alert is sent directly to your email.

Hino-Connect also lets you generate reports showing how long a vehicle was inside or outside the GeoFence (including date and time), along with how many vehicles entered or exited the designated area. Giving you complete visibility and transparency.

Fleet Safety

When it comes to safety, is there anything you wouldn’t do to keep your drivers and other road users safe? With many trucks equipped with the latest active safety technology (like the Hino 300500, and all-new 700 Series), drivers and road users are more protected than ever. But what if you could take it a step further?

You can with Hino-Connect. Monitoring your Active Safety System, Hino-Connect provides Pre-Collision System (PCS) alerts, allowing you to identify areas where further training may be needed to improve driver technique. Safeguarding your business, drivers, and other road users.

Remote Diagnostics

Severe faults can strike at any time when on the road. Which is why knowing what to do when it happens is crucial. For many drivers, the only option is to pull to the side and wait for assistance. Hino-Connect is a game-changer in this area.

When a severe fault is detected, Hino-Connect will deliver an alert to the driver through the multimedia unit (an Australian first), along with the recommended course of action, allowing the driver to take immediate action, and remain safe. An alert is then sent to you and your Hino-Connect specialist, to be informed and book a service should one be needed.

Enhanced Care

When transport businesses think of ‘care’, it mostly centres on mechanical care, the quality of the parts used to service and maintain their vehicles, and the expertise of those working on their vehicles. Quality of care is always a focus for Hino, and we’ve taken it a giant leap further with Hino-Connect.

Continuing our dedication to Quality, Durability, and Reliability (QDR) across all facets of our brand, Hino-Connect extends it further with a dedicated Hino-Connect Specialist. If your Hino requires repair, you’ll be supported through the whole process. Liaising between you and the dealer, they’ll answer all your questions, while overseeing the repair process, getting your truck back on the road as soon as possible.

Hino-Connect is here to revolutionise the transport and logistics industry. Being the only business telematics system combining key performance data tracking in real-time, along with remote diagnosis of vehicle faults, and service support, isn’t time you got connected?

To find out more about how Hino-Connect can benefit your business, and your fleet, visit our site at Adtrans Hino